EQUIP: How Do I Empower Success?

We All Want Our Kids to be Successful!

We want them to avoid the mistakes we made and help them make great decisions. While it’s tempting to wrap them in bubble wrap, do everything for them, and walk in front of them clearing the path (a subject we’ll talk about in the Engage section), we need to get out of the way and EMPOWER them to be successful!

In this section, you will be learning how to support your students as they equip themselves with strategies, techniques, and resources. Be sure to look at what they are learning and use this section to help you empower them to use those tools. Emotional Intelligence, Change Management, and Decision Making are just a few resources these courses equip them with. Remember, we can’t do it for them, but we can help and guide them.  Don’t ENABLE, EMPOWER!

Don't Enable. Empower!

About The Author